human rights claims
Protecting Your Rights: Human Rights Law
Advocating for Equality
Standing Up Against Injustice
Human Rights Law serves as a shield against discrimination, harassment, and denial of accommodation based on personal attributes such as age, race, and disability. At MacIsaac & Company, we stand ready to address a wide range of human rights violations. Whether you’ve faced wrongful termination due to a disability, denied services based on sexual orientation, or experienced workplace harassment, we’re here to help.
In British Columbia, provincial, federal, and international human rights laws converge to protect individuals in various aspects of life. Under the BC Human Rights Code, discrimination is prohibited in employment, tenancy, public services, unions, property transactions, and publications. Similarly, the Canadian Human Rights Act extends protection to those employed by or receiving services from federal entities, First Nations Governments, or federally regulated companies.
With our expertise in navigating complex legal frameworks, we ensure that your rights are upheld and justice is served.