Rochana Williamson
Rochana Williamson was born in New Zealand, but moved to Canada as a teenager where she lived in Bella Bella, British Columbia. In her early twenties Rochana obtained a bachelor’s degree in social work, and then worked for the provincial government as a social worker for the Ministry for Children and Family Development for two decades. Rochana also worked for two years as a child death analyst for the Office of the Representative for Children and Youth. In this role she investigated and prepared child death reports that were presented to the BC Legislative Assembly, to institute systemic change for vulnerable children in government care.
All of these professional experiences gave her firsthand exposure to the systemic and legal injustices inflicted on Indigenous children and families and inspired her to apply to the joint law degree program, in Canadian Common Law and Indigenous Legal Orders at the University of Victoria. This is the first program of its kind in the world, granting two law degrees: a Juris Doctor (JD) and a Juris Indigenarum Doctor (JID).
Rochana graduated from the JD/JID program in May 2024 and began articling at MacIsaac & Company in July 2024. Rochana’s goal is to be called to the British Columbia Bar in early 2025. Her current practice focuses on human rights law and civil litigation.
Rochana has no free time! When she used to have free time before law school and starting her practice, she enjoyed horseback riding, hot yoga, playing the cello (badly), and spending time with her husband Geoff and children, Amory and Kiki.